Home | School of Accounting and Finance
2024-12-04 01:00PolyU Business School's Accounting Research ranks 39th among UTD Top 100 World Rankings of Business Schools Based on Research Contribution 2019-2023. According to the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) Top 100 Worldwide Business School Research Rankings, which evaluates research contribution to 24 leading business journals, our school's ...
PolyU MSc in Accounting and Finance Analytics
Suitable candidates may be invited for interviews. From late September to April of each year. Please refer to Study@PolyU website for the application deadlines of individual programmes. Apply Now @ eAdmission. The PolyU MSc in Accounting and Finance Analytics programme is designed for graduates to develop a broad understanding of the accounting ...
急!!cuhk econ vs polyu a&f - 升學心得交流 - Discuss.com.hk
cuhk econ vs polyu a&f. 各位ching,如標題我收到中大econ offer同埋polyu a&f嘅offer。. 我個人覺得中大個名就好聽d,但a&f就似乎職業導向高d,我唔知我嘅睇法有冇錯。. 無論點都好我好糾結究竟應該accept邊個offer,去邊間讀,想喺度集思廣益,問問大家意見。. 唔該 ...
JS3060 - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
Aside from a world-class education, PolyU has given me the opportunities and resources to explore my interests and learn proactively. Working as an assurance intern for the 'Big 4' accounting firms opened my eyes to how the concepts of accounting can be applied in a real-world context, and how I might use the knowledge and skills gained in ...
[PolyU] 紅磚大學討論區 (72) - 幾時轉Hybrid | LIHKG 討論區
紅磚會計師2022-09-28 17:56:11. fyp諗起都想嘔 acct major但全部topic都係finance 然而Financial services major嘅人係成個af school 入面最少嘅 FS+AnF都未必有acct major人數嘅一半 2023 dser入唔到3大嘅話見字去city acct city起碼有留credit俾人take minor poly 讀埋一大堆垃圾科. 我不是一個人 ...
JUPAS 2024現正接受報名(報名日期由2023年10月5日至12月6日),「01教育」為大家整理理工大學(理大 / POLYU)各學科的收分、計分方法、面試要求等,幫助各位同學因應自己預期分數安排JUPAS選科排位,並順利入讀心儀科目。.
【PolyU PEM 全攻略】JUPAS 收分、出路、面試及常見問題
二、JUPAS 收生分數及準則 (包括:admission score, interview 面試安排等等) 三、 PEM 出路. 四、關於讀 PEM 常見問題. 一、PEM 課程簡介. 產品工程兼市場學(Product Engineering with Marketing) (PEM),是香港理工大學工業及系統工程學系兩大組合課程的其中的一個科目。. 主要 ...
理大「投資科學及金融分析(榮譽)理學士」課程 全方位培訓 成就金融業專才 - 明報升學網
PolyU SPEED培育會計學及應用科學專才 獲專業認可 享多元出路 | PolyU SPEED
PolyU SPEED致力開辦高質素的自資榮譽學士學位銜接課程,為有志升學的副學位畢業生,或持續進修人士提供理想的學習機會。. 學院開辦的會計學(榮譽)工商管理學士課程及應用科學(榮譽)理學士組合課程,為業界培育相關專才。. PolyU SPEED除了設立獎學金 ...
PolyU SPEED培育會計學及應用科學專才 獲專業認可 享多元出路 | 香港理工大學專業進修學院
PolyU SPEED培育會計學及應用科學專才 獲專業認可 享多元出路. 2016年06月21日. PolyU SPEED致力開辦高質素的自資榮譽學士學位銜接課程,為有志升學的副學位畢業生,或持續進修人士提供理想的學習機會。. 學院開辦的會計學(榮譽)工商管理學士課程及應用科學 ...
會計和金融:出路、人工、入學要求? - 19 January 2022
會計科的出路有哪些? 修讀會計學專業的學生需要修讀有關經濟學、工商管理學以及法學等的知識,可以說是全面性的人才。除了要有紮實的市場經濟理論基礎等,還需要針對國家的財政方針及政策等有十分深入的認識和了解。
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Find Your Programmes - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
PolyU Main Site; Academic Registry (AR) Global Engagement Office (GEO) Graduate School (GS) Office of Undergraduate Studies (OUS) Student Affairs Office (SAO) Hong Kong Community College (HKCC) School of Professional Education and Executive Development (SPEED) JUPAS; School Nominations Direct Admission Scheme (SNDAS)
Aims and Characteristics - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
Aims and Characteristics. 课程宗旨及学习成果. 金融服务业为商业机构提供理想的资金流动方式,是现代商业社会举足轻重的行业。. 本课程为学生提供全面的商业教育,在此基础上着重学习与金融服务业有关的学科。. 通过金融及其他有关方面的严格训练,培养学生 ...
Nine campuses where you can make your dreams a reality
Each campus is highly ranked. Each campus offers you the chance to learn in a unique environment. Each campus has their own area of academic expertise—making each one a center of innovation all its own.
Home | Faculty of Engineering - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University ...
1. Engineering is one of the founding disciplines of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) building on a tradition of engineering excellence for 85 years. Over the decades, the Faculty of Engineering remains committed to the mission of enhancing the well-being of the community by serving industries and the educational needs of students ...
Department News - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
HKIE LTD Annual Symposium 2024 - Accelerating New Energy Transition for Transport. The 2024 Annual Symposium of Logistics & Transportation Division (LTD) of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), co-organized by CEE, was successfully held on 8 June 2024 (Saturday), with the theme "Accelerating New Energy Transition for Transport".