西奧律師事務所 1~7集 (7冊合售) | 誠品線上
2025-02-03 15:05Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer The Abduction The Accused The Activist The Fugitive The Scandal The Accomplice. 作者. John Grisham. 出版社. 遠流出版事業股份有限公司. 商品描述. 西奧律師事務所 1~7集 (7冊合售):【各界好評推薦】青少年在讀小說的同時,不知不覺有了法律的意識,無形中學習 ...
西奧律師事務所6:老師犯規了(Theodore Boone: The Scandal): 約翰‧葛里遜: Amazon.com: Books
西奧律師事務所6:老師犯規了(Theodore Boone: The Scandal) [約翰‧葛里遜] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 西奧律師事務所6:老師犯規了(Theodore Boone: The Scandal)
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西奧律師事務所: 不存在的證人 - John Grisham - Google Books
Traditional Chinese edition of THEODORE BOONE: Kid Lawyer by John Grisham, #1 international bestseller and the master of the legal thriller. This intriguing Grisham's signature thriller is for young adults. In Traditional Chinese. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.
本書是一本節奏明快的少年小說,故事中的少年西奧,具有律師家庭的背景,熟悉法院的進行程序,透過進行訴訟中的案件,或同學中生活上的麻煩,帶領年輕的讀者進入法律世界,去理解法律的思考本質,去認識法院的運作程序,去拓展法律與生活中的關連及 ...
約翰‧葛里遜 (Author of 西奧律師事務所7:暗夜的共犯)
約翰‧葛里遜 is the author of The Accomplice (4.04 avg rating, 5343 ratings, 320 reviews, published 2019), 西奧律師事務所6:老師犯規了 (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews...
蔡忠琦 (Tsai, Chung Chi) (Translator of 西奧律師事務所 2 )
蔡忠琦 (Tsai, Chung Chi) is the author of The Abduction (3.81 avg rating, 19874 ratings, 1738 reviews, published 2010) and The Activist (4.01 avg rating, 10...
7.9 折特價 198 元. 約翰‧葛里遜 著. 蔡忠琦 譯. 全球知名法庭推理小說暢銷作家約翰‧葛里遜,首度將讀者群鎖定青少年讀者,並打算創造以西奧為主角的一系列五本法律故事。. 葛里遜因為從小不能看電視,只好成天到圖書館借書,他回想起自己小時候這段享受 ...
玉小可 (Translator of 西奧律師事務所7:暗夜的共犯)
玉小可 is the author of The Accomplice (4.06 avg rating, 6005 ratings, 337 reviews, published 2019) and 是我讓你傷心了嗎? 不管有沒有牙,都要咬著撐過陰雨天 (3.00 avg rating, 1 ratin...
Theodore Boone 5: The Fugitive | 誠品線上
內容簡介. 內容簡介 Theodore Boone returns in this fifth adventure from #1 New York Times bestselling author John Grisham, master of the modern legal thrillerTheo Boone thought the danger had passed, but he's about to face off against an old adversary: accused murderer and fugitive Pete Duffy.
西奧律師事務所7:暗夜的共犯(Theodore Boone:The Accomplice): 約翰‧葛里遜: Amazon.com: Books
西奧律師事務所7:暗夜的共犯(Theodore Boone:The Accomplice) [約翰‧葛里遜] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 西奧律師事務所7:暗夜的共犯(Theodore Boone:The Accomplice)
〈西奧律師事務所〉系列 西奧律師事務所1:不存在的證人... - 讀書人書店 Reader's Bookshop
〈西奧律師事務所〉系列 西奧律師事務所1:不存在的證人 西奧律師事務所2:消失的四月 西奧律師事務所3:頭號嫌疑犯 ...
遠流ya讀報 - 【第一手‧搶先讀】西奧律師事務所3《頭號嫌疑犯》...
【第一手‧搶先讀】西奧律師事務所3《頭號嫌疑犯》 斯托騰堡中學在幾年前曾經重新整修過 ...
西奧律師事務所6:老師犯規了 (約翰‧葛里遜著) Upc 9789573279150
西奧律師事務所6:老師犯規了 (約翰‧葛里遜著) Formats / Symbologies ISBN-13 978-957-32-7915- GTIN / UPC / ISBN 9789573279150 ISBN Information Identifying Group 957 (Taiwan) Publisher ID 32 Title ID 7915 Check Digit 0 Do you find this accurate? Oh Yes Hell No. Barcode & Images.
Amazon.com: 西奧律師事務所6:老師犯規了(Theodore Boone: The Scandal): 約翰‧葛里遜: ספרים
בחר את המחלקה שבה תרצה לחפש ...
【新到小說套書】Theodore Boone... - 書酷英文書店 SUKU BOOKS
【新到小說套書】Theodore Boone Collection(西奧律師事務所) - 6 Books (Collection) $650 (-TBOO-) 12 years + 19.0cm x 12.0cm Pages: Varies by John Grisham 中譯:西奧律師事務所-英文原文 ★美國法庭推理小說 ★英國美國都非常熱賣^^ 【青少年推理熱門劇情】...
【新到小說套書】Theodore Boone... - 書酷英文書店 SUKU BOOKS
【新到小說套書】Theodore Boone Collection(西奧律師事務所) - 6 Books (Collection) $650 (-TBOO-) 12 years + Publisher: Hachette Childrens Books Format:...
【要來抽書了喔!】... - 法律白話文運動 Plain Law Movement
【要來抽書了喔!】 暗夜的一把槍,讓西奧摯友啷噹入獄,甚至成為共犯! 西奧心急如焚,一場救援大戰即將展開 ...
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Who On Quora Has Read The Firm By John Grisham? Is It, 50% OFF
Who on Quora has read The Firm by John Grisham? Is it appropriate for kids? Quora, Soft cover Each for $2, Hard cover Each for $4, pls help to clear, the chamber, the summond, Theodore Boone the activist, the rooster bar, the
【新到小說套書】Theodore Boone... - 書酷英文書店 SUKU BOOKS
【新到小說套書】Theodore Boone Collection(西奧律師事務所) - 6 Books (Collection) $650 (-TBOO-) 12 years + Publisher: Hachette Childrens Books Format: CollectionDimensions: 19.0cm x 12.0cm Pages: Varies by John...