What went wrong at Debenhams? - BBC

    2025-02-02 22:02

    Debenhams is set to close all of its 124 stores after last-ditch efforts to rescue the department store chain failed. It looks like it is finally the end for the 242-year-old business.


    End of an era for Debenhams as final shops set to close - BBC

    5 May 2021. BBC. Debenhams has announced it will shut its remaining stores by 15 May, closing the door on more than 200 years of trade on UK high streets. The move means 49 more shops will go, on ...

    英國老牌百貨Debenhams遭拆骨出售 - on.cc東網

    Debenhams有着232年歷史,早前因未能覓得買家,上月申請破產。 Boohoo表示,將收購Debenhams品牌及其包括Manta Ray和Principles在內的時尚子品牌。 英國當前的封鎖結束後,Debenhams旗下門店將會重新開放,出售剩餘商品,然後再次關閉。

    緊急貸款也難挽頹勢!英國兩大零售業瀕臨破產,2.5萬名員工恐一夕失業|數位時代 BusinessNext

    緊急貸款也難挽頹勢!. 英國兩大零售業瀕臨破產,2.5萬名員工恐一夕失業. 英國零售業震盪,威脅了2.5萬名員工生計,其中服飾零售集團阿卡狄亞(Arcadia)更是連緊急貸款也難挽救頹勢!. 新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情衝擊英國零售業,英國丹本漢百貨公司(Debenhams ...

    Takeovers, scandal and debt - the colourful decades that ended in ...

    Harvey Nichols, part of Debenhams since 1919, was sold to Dickson Poon, a Hong Kong businessman, for £60m in 1991. Image: Stuart Rose - later of M&S - helped restore Burton's fortunes

    Last Debenhams stores close their doors - BBC News

    Debenhams traces its roots back to 1778 when William Clark opened a shop in London's West End, selling fabrics, bonnets and parasols. By the 1950s, it was the biggest department store in the UK ...

    【BNO移民】Debenhams、Topshop母企均破產 一文看英國企業破產潮 - 香港經濟日報 - 即時新聞頻道 - 即市財經 - 股市 ...

    Debenhams. 擁有超過240年歷史、英國最大型連鎖百貨公司Debenhams宣布,英國全線門市將會永遠關閉。 這是繼Topshop母企Arcadia 申請破產保護後,不足24小時內,再有企業宣布倒閉。 事實上,Debenhams在4月份時已申請行政託管,瀕臨破產。

    What happens to Debenhams now? - BBC News

    Debenhams' much anticipated slide into administration has finally come to pass. The chain is now in the hands of its lenders. Not for long though - those lenders, Barclays and Bank of Ireland, as ...

    Debenhams: Three things that went wrong - BBC

    Debenhams joined the stock market, for the third time, in 2006, with a worth of £1.7bn. Its share price hit 207p one day later - a level that it has never bettered since. We take a look at the ...

    英國逾百年老店Debenham或逐部結業 恐致1.2萬人失業 - 香港經濟日報 - 即時新聞頻道 - iMoney智富 - 環球政經

    新冠肺炎持續,疫情撞擊各地區零售業務,在英國有逾百年歷史的百貨公司Debenhams正面臨破產結業,屆時恐致1.2萬人失業。據《路透社》報道,Debenhams委託的管理公司FRP Advisory於周二(1日)表示,如找不到買家,店舖也會逐部關閉。

    Debenhams - Wikipedia

    Debenhams plc was a British department store chain operating in the United Kingdom, Denmark and the Republic of Ireland, and is still operating as a franchise in seven Middle East countries. [4] It was founded in 1778 as a single store in London and grew to 178 locations across those countries, also owning the Danish department store chain ...

    英國老牌百貨Debenhams遭拆骨出售 | on.cc 東網 | LINE TODAY

    Debenhams有着232年歷史,早前因未能覓得買家,上月申請破產。 Boohoo表示,將收購Debenhams品牌及其包括Manta Ray和Principles在內的時尚子品牌。英國當前的封鎖結束後,Debenhams旗下門店將會重新開放,出售剩餘商品,然後再次關閉。

    【BNO移民】英國200年歷史Debenhams百貨將結業 1.2萬名員工飯碗不保 - 香港經濟日報 - 即時新聞頻道 - 商業 - 商業頭條 ...

    Debenhams自今年夏天已開始尋找買家,但是一直未有可行方案;分析亦認為該品牌的生存機會渺茫。 日前同樣申請破產的Topshop母公司Arcadia,亦被視為與Debenhams結業有關。原因是,Arcadia是Debenhams百貨最重要的特許經營商,在其門市的生意額高達1億英磅。

    What went wrong at Debenhams? - BBC News

    Debenhams is set to close all of its 124 stores after last-ditch efforts to rescue the department store chain failed. It looks like it is finally the end for the 242-year-old business.

    Why did Debenhams in Bristol close, who owns it and what's planned for ...

    What's been planned. Yesterday, almost out of the blue, a media relations company released its plans for the site on behalf of the developers which included knocking down the Debenhams building. Running either side of the reinstated pedestrianised Barr's Street, buildings with more 514 homes for rent would be created - 20 per cent afforable.

    英国零售业巨头 Debenhams 陷入财务困境计划关闭 50 家门店,困境背后的原因是什么? - 知乎

    这也就意味着,英国知名百货公司Debenhams在Topshop申请破产保护后数小时倒闭,而topshop 的母公司—Arcadia Group为Debenhams的最大特许经营权持有者。. 英国时尚零售集团 Arcadia 于周一晚正式进入破产保护程序。. Debenhams官网宣布倒闭声明. Source:Debenhams. 这已是该百货 ...

    Who Owns Debenhams: The Enigmatic Journey of Ownership

    Debenhams' roots trace back to the 18th century when William Clark opened a drapers store in London. In 1813, William Debenham invested, and the company became Clark & Debenham. By the late 19th century, it had transformed into Debenhams Limited. For much of its history, it remained a publicly-traded company, with various shareholders owning ...

    英百貨巨頭Debenhams破產接管後賣了半天沒人要,債主只好往裡再投2億英鎊… - YouTube

    Debenhams曾經是英國最大的百貨公司,在全英國範圍內有166個百貨商店,僱傭的員工約為2.5萬人。更多精彩,歡迎訂閱 https://pu8 ...


    242年光辉历史走入终结. 拥有Topshop的时尚帝国Arcadia破产之后,英国著名的百年老店Debenhams,也在宣布关闭全英所有线下店。. Debenhams的历史可以追溯到1778年,当时创始人William Clark在伦敦西区开了一家卖布料和手套的店,后来名字源于1813年William Debenham的投资,改 ...

    英國兩大零售業巨頭一天內倒閉 — 識港



    位于丹麦的Magasin Du Nord. 与此同时,它还在南非、澳大利亚、加拿大和中国设有办事处。. 1950年,Debenhams已成为英国最大的百货公司集团。. 2016年,这家连锁企业的市值为9亿英镑。. 而2019年4月,它的估值仅为2000万英镑。. 但是曾经的老牌百货公司却在去年就陷入 ...

    德本漢姆 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

    位於倫敦牛津街的德本漢姆旗艦店. 德本漢姆公司(Debenhams plc)是英國的一家企業,主要經營百貨店,現在在英國、愛爾蘭、丹麥開設有178家店鋪。 德本漢姆主要銷售服裝、家具用品和家具。德本漢姆的總部位於康登倫敦自治市的攝政宮,是倫敦證券交易所的上市公司,創業於1778年 。

    Fashion, Home & Beauty | Debenhams

    Welcome to Debenhams, your digital destination for Fashion, Beauty and Home. Consider this your one-stop-shop for all of life's essentials, from kitchen staples to new season looks, and cult beauty names, find everything under one roof. With the biggest names in fashion for women, men, and kids there's something for everyone to discover today.

    被頒令破產 公司清盤 潘蘇通上訴遭駁回 - 東方日報

    近年屢傳財困、前高銀金融主席潘蘇通,2022年因其全資持有的Silver Starlight Limited(下稱「公司」)未有清還80億元貸款,被高院原訟庭頒令破產,公司亦遭下令清盤。早前潘就破產令及清盤令,及原訟庭拒絕他要求押後審理破產案的決定申請上訴。上訴庭昨日頒判詞,認為原審法官沒有犯錯,一併 ...

    剛破產又出現瑕疵 Fisker將召回美歐1.2萬輛電動車 - 自由財經

    美國電動車新創公司Fisker因長年飽受虧損於6月17日申請破產保護。(歐新社) 吳孟峰/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕曾被譽為「汽車界的蘋果」、「特斯拉殺手」的美國電動車新創Fisker,近年飽受虧損及現金短缺所苦,於6月17日正式申請破產,沒想到禍不單行,近日又因汽車零件故障,宣布在 ...