主頁 - 香港中文大學賽馬會齊心防癌計劃 | CUHK Jockey Club Multi-Cancer Prevention Programme
2024-12-04 02:36在香港賽馬會慈善信託基金的再次慷慨捐助下,「香港中文大學賽馬會齊心防癌計劃」於2018年正式成立並進行招募。. 此計劃將於2018-2022年間,為合資格市民提供一站式免費的多樣癌症篩查服務,包括大腸癌、乳癌及前列腺癌,篩查方法如下︰. 大腸癌︰先作 ...
Home page - 香港中文大學賽馬會齊心防癌計劃 | CUHK Jockey Club Multi-Cancer Prevention ...
Until 2017, over 15,000 Hong Kong residents undergone colorectal cancer screening. By sharing the screening data with the government, colorectal cancer screening programme was being pushed through. With another generous funding by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, "The Chinese University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Multi-Cancer ...
主页 - 香港中文大學賽馬會齊心防癌計劃 | CUHK Jockey Club Multi-Cancer Prevention Programme
截至2017年,已为超过15,000名香港市民进行大肠癌筛查,并与政府相关部门分享筛查数据,促成政府资助的全民「大肠癌筛查计划」。. 在香港赛马会慈善信托基金的再次慷慨捐助下,「香港中文大学赛马会齐心防癌计划」于2018年正式成立并进行招募。. 此计划将 ...
關於我們 - 香港中文大學賽馬會齊心防癌計劃 | CUHK Jockey Club Multi-Cancer Prevention Programme
計劃內容. 「香港中文大學賽馬會齊心防癌計劃」於2018年正式成立並進行招募。. 此計劃將於2018-2022年間,為合資格市民提供一站式免費的多樣癌症篩查服務,包括大腸癌、乳癌及前列腺癌。. 篩查方法如下︰. 大腸癌︰先作大便隱血測試,如有異常,便會安排 ...
About Us - CUHK Jockey Club Multi-Cancer Prevention Programme
CUHK Jockey Club Multi-Cancer Prevention Programme is the first programme which employed the one-stop approach to screen multiple cancers as well as to promote lifestyle modification in Hong Kong. The concept of a one-stop approach to screen multiple cancers is relatively novel. According to medical literatures, one-stop screening could enhance ...
最新消息 - 香港中文大學賽馬會齊心防癌計劃 | CUHK Jockey Club Multi-Cancer Prevention Programme
1. 二月. 新型冠狀病毒期間新招募安排. 5. 七月. 香港中文大學賽馬會齊心防癌計劃啟動禮. 5. 七月. 香港中文大學賽馬會齊心防癌計劃記者招待會.
香港中文大學賽馬會齊心防癌計劃招募 - 香港中文大學賽馬會齊心防癌計劃 | CUHK Jockey Club Multi-Cancer ...
香港中文大學賽馬會齊心防癌計劃招募. 香港中文大學現正進行一項名為「香港中文大學賽馬會齊心防癌計劃」,每位合資格的40-75歲人士將可免費獲得兩種癌症篩查服務(男士︰大腸癌及前列腺癌;女士︰大腸癌及乳癌)。. 篩查方法如下︰. 大腸癌︰先作大便 ...
中大賽馬會齊心防癌計劃公布首3,500名市民篩查結果 顯示「一站式多樣癌症篩查」有效
Results of the First 3,500 Participants of the CUHK Jockey Club Multi ...
Results of the early phase of the CUHK Jockey Club Multi-Cancer Prevention Programme were announced today. Since the commencement of the Programme in 2018, 3,500 eligible citizens have received their service. 7.9% of the participants were diagnosed either with adenoma, advanced adenoma or even colorectal cancer; 0.8% of female participants were diagnosed with breast cancer while 2.4% of male ...
Recently Viewed - Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Harvie M, Hooper L, Howell AH (2003) Central obesity and breast cancer risk: a systematic review. Obesity Reviews 4: 157-173. Cao Y, Giovannucci E (2016) Obesity and Prostate Cancer. Recent Results Cancer Res 208: 137-153.
中大新聞中心 - CUHK Communications and Public Relations Office
香港中文大學(中大)獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐款逾3,500萬港元支持的「中大賽馬會齊心防癌計劃」,今日公布早期結果。. 計劃由2018年開展至今,已為逾3,000名合資格市民提供服務,結果逾7成參加者經大腸鏡檢查後,發現有屬於癌前病變的腺瘤或後期腺瘤 ...
CUHK Launches Multi-Cancer Prevention Programme Providing Free ...
The "CUHK Jockey Club Multi-Cancer Prevention Programme" focuses on colorectal cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer screening and provide the service free-of-charge to 10,000 Hong Kong residents aged between 40 and 75 whose BMIs are 25 or above and with no cancer symptoms.Colorectal cancer and prostate cancer screening will be conducted for males; colorectal cancer and breast cancer ...
Recently Viewed - CUHK Faculty of Medicine
[3] Harvie M, Hooper L, Howell AH (2003) Central obesity and breast cancer risk: a systematic review. Obesity Reviews 4: 157-173. Obesity Reviews 4: 157-173. [4] Cao Y, Giovannucci E (2016) Obesity and Prostate Cancer.
CUHK Medicine - 【免費萬人癌症檢查】「中大賽馬會齊心防癌計劃」今天展開,免費為一萬名香港居民提供大腸癌...
日期:2018年7月9日至7月11日. 【Free Cancer Screening for 10,000 HK Citizens】"CUHK Jockey Club Multi-Cancer Prevention Programme" will provide free-of-charge screening of colorectal cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer for 10,000 eligible Hong Kong residents. Online Registration: https://mcp.cuhk.edu.hk/form. Date: 6 Jul ...
CUHK Medicine - 【一站式多樣癌症篩查】「中大賽馬會齊心防癌計劃」由2018年開展至今,已為逾3,500...
【One-stop Multi-Cancer Screening】Since the commencement of CUHK Jockey Club Multi-Cancer Prevention Programme in 2018, it has already provided screening services to over 3,500 eligible citizens. 7.9% of the participants were diagnosed either with adenoma or advanced adenoma or even colorectal cancer; 0.8% of female participants were diagnosed with breast cancer while 2.4% of male ...
HKUMed receives funding support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club ...
07 December 2021. Download Presentation Slides. With the generous support of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the LKS Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) has established the Jockey Club Institute of Cancer Care (HKU JCICC) - the very first purpose-built cancer-specific research and service centre in Hong Kong, which has served 15,313 patients since 2018.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 - CUHK
【香港半數成年人肥胖 增患癌風險?】 今天啟動的「中大賽馬會齊心防癌計劃」將為10,000名香港居民免費提供大腸癌、乳癌 ...
CUHK Medicine - 【免費萬人癌症檢查】「中大賽馬會齊心防癌計劃」今天展開,免費為一萬名香港居民提供大腸癌...
CUHK Medicine - 【免費萬人癌症檢查】「中大賽馬會齊心防癌計劃」今天展開,免費為一萬名香港居民提供大腸癌... ... Log In
⚕ ⚕#CommunityInformation #HealthInformation #CancerScreening ...
⚕ ⚕#CommunityInformation #HealthInformation #CancerScreening 【Free Cancer Screening for 10,000 HK Citizens】 "CUHK Jockey Club Multi-Cancer... ⚕ ⚕#CommunityInformation #HealthInformation #CancerScreening 【Free Cancer Screening for 10,000 HK Citizens】 "CUHK Jockey Club Multi-Cancer Prevention Programme" will ...
專為癌症患者及其照顧者而設之自我增值小組及活動 2024年8月活動. 專為癌症患者及其照顧者而設之自我增值小組及活動 2023年1-3月活動. 我們的專業團隊為癌患者提供由確診、治療、以至康復各階段的支援。全程由同一社工或護士跟進,因應患者及其照顧者的 ...
CUHK launches The Jockey Club We WATCH Healthy Lifestyle Project - Hong ...
Results of the First 3,500 Participants of the CUHK Jockey Club Multi-Cancer Prevention Programme Demonstrate that "One-stop Multi-Cancer Screening" is Effective Health Campaign CU Medicine Recruits 3,000 Persons to Investigate Hidden Infection and Break the Obstacles in Containing COVID-19 in Hong Kong
免費參加「香港中文大學賽馬會齊心防癌計劃」 - Jetso Today
免費參加 香港中文大學「中大賽馬會齊心防癌計劃」 - 今日著數優惠 Jetso Today
免費參加 香港中文大學「中大賽馬會齊心防癌計劃」 2018-08-01 【免費】香港半數成年人肥胖 增患癌風險?「中大賽馬會齊心防癌計劃」啟動~ 將為 10,000 名香港居民免費提供大腸癌、乳癌及前列腺癌篩查,並於未來五年研究肥胖與癌症的關連。